Please read the following terms of service agreement. By accessing this site or using these services you are hereby agree to be bound by these terms and conditions and all of those herein and those referenced. If you do not agree do not use
This is a legal agreement between you and Revolution Church, Inc. of Salina, Kansas.
You will abide by all applicable laws in the United States and State of Kansas. We reserve the right to restrict, suspend, terminate, erase, or do anything else to the account you create. This is NOT a public facing website, it is for internal use of Revolution Church.
You agree that all actions taking while using Revolution Link, it's databases, users, and information will be out of good intentions towards God, Revolution Church, and other people.
You may receive emails, text messages, and other communications from Revolution Church.
You do not own, and are not granted rights to use, any content from outside of official Revolution Church use.
Do not share your account information (email, phone, login, password, etc).
You will likely have access to confidential internal information such as budgets. This is private information. Do not share information you collect or learn on
You will behave in accordance with all Biblical standards.
Revolution Church has full discretion to share or keep confidential all user data, including yours.
You hold Revolution Church Inc innocent and not liable for any damages that may result from using
It is at the mutual agreement of you and Revolution Church that this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of Kansas without regard to its conflict of law provisions and that any and all claims, causes of action and/or disputes, arising out of or relating to this agreement, or the relationship between you and Revolution Church, shall be first attempted to be resolved personally at Revolution Church's location of choice. Afterwards, it may go to arbitration to be decided when and where by Revolution Church. If more work is needed it shall be filed within the courts having jurisdiction within the County of Saline, Kansas or the U.S. District Court located in said state. You agree to submit to these jurisdictions.
Any of your claims or actions arising from use of this site must be filed by you within 24 months after said claim or cause of action arose or shall be forever barred.